A sole proprietor is an individual who owns a company that is neither incorporated nor registered with the state as a limited liability company (LLC). Sole proprietors may or may not have employees.
In a sole proprietorship:
- The business does not exist as a separate entity from the owner.
- The risks of business apply to the individual’s personal assets, including those that are not used for the business.
- The sole proprietor reports business income on his or her individual tax return.
We are an online federal filing service and are in no way affiliated with any government agency. If you would like to apply directly with the IRS, you can click here. Use our service and save time and effort by not filling out complicated forms.
© einwizard.com 2022
A subsidiary of Weiss 2.0
We are an online federal filing service and are in no way affiliated with any government agency. If you would like to apply directly with the IRS, you can click here. Use our service and save time and effort by not filling out complicated forms.
© einwizard.com 2022
A subsidiary of Weiss 2.0