Whether you are an individual or sole proprietor needing a Tax ID Number because you have employees, are an LLC, Corporation, or filing for an Estate or Trust, filing paperwork for a Tax ID Number can be difficult, and at times, overwhelming. We have simplified the Tax ID filing process and made it easier for you to get the results you want. We work with the IRS on your behalf to guarantee a fast and easy Tax ID application process.
Upon your completion of our 5-Minute simplified application, our agents will proofread the information for errors and submit the application. If there are any errors or omissions, we will work with you to make sure your application is complete. If for any reason your application is not accepted, we will work directly with the IRS to make sure your application is processed and approved as soon as possible. When your Tax ID is issued, we will send it to you in an email. We will also mail you a hard copy of your official SS-4 Form.
You may log into our system to see the status of your application or retrieve your Tax ID Number at any time. Our customer service specialists are also available 24/7 (except holidays) to assist you and answer any questions you that may have.
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